
Harley Worthington dressed as a jester in a university library.

Harley Worthington Ridged Rock Magazine Interview

Ridged Rock Magazine Exclusive: An Off-The-Rails Interview with the JestWire Maestro, Harley P. Worthington III By: Spike Litmus, Senior Ridged Rock Magazine Correspondent Spike: So, Harley, you traded the echoes of the Appalachian Mountains for... satire. Tell us, how does one go from valleys to...

Two elephants with fake donkey ears at a Trump rally.

Elephants Identify as Donkeys to Avoid Political Persecution

WASHINGTON D.C. — In an unprecedented, zoopolitical move, elephants are identifying as donkeys to evade Democrat political persecution and gain acceptance in blue-leaning pastures. Elephants, known for their prodigious memories and intelligence, have long been the symbol of the Republican Party. However, recent disturbing events…

High school boys is a high school hallway dressed as mimes.

High School Bans Talking, Embraces Mime Life for DEI

PORTLAND, OR — Eastbroke High School silenced its classrooms. Not for meditation or discipline—but for Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity (DIE) for their lone deaf student. The plan was to teach everyone sign language and mandate it as the only permitted form of school communication. When…

People riding piggyback on a city street.

Uber Launches UberBack: Piggyback Rides on Demand

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — As humanity marches towards a "useless class" era where many people become obsolete due to AI and automation, some entrepreneurs are ensuring at least some parts of our bodies remain useful to society without having to sell a kidney or resort…