National Ice Cream Day: Vanilla-Chocolate Rivalry Turns into Racial Rumble

U.S. — National Ice Cream Day, typically a joyous occasion celebrating its classic frozen deliciousness and wrestling stubborn brain freezes, has taken a political turn this year. Enter the world of social justice, where even the pristine, creamy goodness of vanilla ice cream has plunged into a heated debate.
Astonishingly, during the Jim Crow-era of harsh segregation, black people were not allowed to eat vanilla ice cream in the South, except on the 4th of July. This curious 'law', although long abolished, has tainted the modern celebration of National Ice Cream Day.
Recent findings of a poll only added fuel to the flame, revealing that 59% of Americans prefer vanilla ice cream, while chocolate trails behind at 51%.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and Black Lives Matter (BLM) organizations have pointed to these statistics as yet another sign of entrenched systemic racism and 'white privilege.' The creamy whiteness of vanilla has become, in their eyes, a frozen metaphor for racial inequality.
In an effort to rectify these perceived injustices, BLM issued a series of ice cream reforms. They proposed a complete ban of vanilla ice cream, or, at the very least, its reformulation to a darker shade. Furthermore, they suggested the repositioning of vanilla to the back of the freezer, to instill in it a sense of 'refrigerated humility.'
"The supermarket frozen section is just an extension of societal bias!" exclaimed BLM spokesperson, Ebony Carmel. In a speech delivered outside a popular ice cream chain, Ebony ranted "Enough is enough. We demand equal representation in the ice cream kingdom! No more vanilla overlords!"
However, in an unexpected twist as a chunk of walnut in your pistachio ice cream, it seems many people within the black community are avid fans of vanilla.
Marcus Coney, a lifelong vanilla ice cream lover stated, "What’s all this fuss about ice cream colors? Nobody’s taking my vanilla away," Coney declared, licking a towering vanilla cone with hot fudge on top. "It's about flavor, not color."
Among younger members of the community, the controversy seems moot. "Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, I love 'em all," shrugged teenager Keenan Washington, surrounded by friends happily eating a variety of flavors.
In an ironic churn of events, global ice cream conglomerate, 'The Cream, Cocoa, and Sugar Corp.', leaked plans for a new flavor named 'Equi-Cream' – a harmonious blend of vanilla and chocolate. "It's not about segregation," the company statement read, "but bringing together the best of both worlds."
As the sun sets on this National Ice Cream Day, we are left with more than just sticky fingers and happy bellies. The 'vanilla-chocolate controversy' reminds us that flavor knows no color. Perhaps the true joy of ice cream lies in the diversity of its scoops, not the dominance of one.